1) Install TOMCAT on Ubuntu
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install tomcat6
# sudo aptitude install tomcat6
# sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
Verify Java Installation
# java -version
check installation done
dpkg --get-selections | grep jdk
2) Install Maven
# sudo apt-get install maven2
3) Optionally you can install maven-ant-helper in case you decide to use Ant to create deployment tasks:
# sudo apt-get install ant
# sudo apt-get install maven-ant-helper
4) Configuring CAS Server Build for Maven.
Get the latest CAS server archive from JASig: http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads/cas
# wget http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads/cas/cas-server-3.3.5-release.tar.gz
# tar -xvzf cas-server-3.5.0-RC1-release.tar.gz
# cd cas-server-3.5.0-RC1
5) Edit pom.xml
# cd cas-server-wepapps/
# nano pom.xml
and add this line:
*Change [ ] to < and > & Save file.
6) Edit server.xml
# nano /var/lib/tomcat6/conf/server.xml
*Make sure you add or enable this
**Change [ ] to < and > & Save file.
7) Run this command in cas-server-3.5.0-RC1/cas-server-webapp directory
# cd cas-server-3.5.0-RC1/cas-server-webapp
# mvn clean package
8) Copy all content from content from cas-server-3.5.0-RC1/cas-server-webapp/target/cas-server-3.5.0-RC1/
# cd cas-server-3.5.0-RC1/cas-server-webapp/target/cas-server-3.5.0-RC1/
# cp -Rp * /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ROOT/
9) Restart tomcat service
#service tomcat6 restart
# /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
10)Setup SSL (self signed cert) with tomcat
# keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore /etc/tomcat6/keystore
* You will be requested for data that will show on your user browser's certificate:
Enter keystore password: abc123
Re-enter new password: abc123
What is your first and last name: Jeremy Atkins
What is your organizational unit: OU
What is the name of your organization: NOYO
What is the name of your city or your locality: MyCity
What is the name of your state or province: Saudi Arabia
What is the two-letter country code for this unit: uk
Is the entered data correct: yes>
11) Edit server.xml again
**Change [ ] to < and > & Save file.
12) Restart tomcat service
# service tomcat6 restart
# /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
13) Make sure firewall allow port 8080, 8443, 8009, 389.
Test telnet the port within server sso and ldap through all related port.
# telnet serverip 8443
# telnet serverip 8080
# telnet serverip 8009
# telnet serverip 389
14) ** Test site >> http://serveraddress:8080
15) Configure deployerConfigContex.xml
Add this line at
[bean class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler"]
[property name="filter" value="cn=%u,ou=people,dc=student,dc=contoso,dc=edu,dc=sa" /]
[property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" /] [/bean]
And this line after :
[bean id="contextSource" class="org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LdapContextSource"]
[property name="pooled" value="true"/]
[property name="urls"]
[property name="userDn" value="cn=admin,dc=it,dc=mycompany,dc=com"/]
[property name="password" value="asdfgh"/]
[property name="baseEnvironmentProperties"]
**Change [ ] to < and > & Save file.
16) Restart tomcat service
#service tomcat6 restart
17) Allow port 8443 > 443
# nano /etc/sysctl.conf add -> sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
Run iptable command:
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination serverapps_ip:8443
18) Test site >> http://serveraddress
19) Test Login
Reference site: