Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Upgrade Mysql 5.5 to Mysql 5.6

1.     Stop MySQL: service mysql-server stop
2.     Add to /etc/rc.conf:
  • Code:
  • mysql_args="--explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=true --skip-grant-tables --skip-slave-start --thread_stack=256K"
These are needed, it prevents the slave process from starting, skips grant tables (so you always have access), the thread stack seems to be required, I ran out of it a couple of times
3.     Remove MySQL 5.5 server: pkg delete mysql55-server
4.     Install MySQL 5.6: pkg install mysql56-server
5.     Start it: service mysql-server start
6.     Note, this starts MySQL with the arguments we added above.
7.     Run the upgrade script: mysql_upgrade (But For number (6) - > mysql_upgrade -u root –p )
8.     Stop MySQL server: service mysql-server stop
9.     Remove the mysql_args line from /etc/rc.conf
10. Start MySQL server service mysql-server start
11. Done