Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Hardening SSL IIS | How to disable SSLv3 and RC4 ciphers in IIS

Here is the link for you to test you SSL URL


Before make any changes:

Before make any changes, please backup your registery: 
Here is the steps: 
  1. From the Start menu, type regedit.exe in the search box, and then press Enter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  2. In Registry Editor, locate and click the registry key or subkey that you want to back up.
  3. Click File > Export.
  4. In the Export Registry File dialog box, select the location to which you want to save the backup copy, and then type a name for the backup file in the File name field.
  5. Click Save.
After make changes: 
Here is the steps: 
1.       Disabling the SSL v3 Protocol (Poodle Attack)
2.       Weak Diffie-Hellman and the Logjam Attack
3.       RC4 in TLS is Broken

Horrey I got A.