What I'm going to do is.. transfering file from sftp server A to server B and send to S3 amazon. The tricky is sftp part.. :) .. I'm creating 2 file here sftpcommand.txt and script.sh
mget data-2015_11_24*
printf "Current date and time %s\n" "$now" #date of the day
now="$(date +'%Y_%m_%d')"
printf "Current date in yyyy_mm_dd format %s\n" "$now"
echo "try command"
#echo "data-$(date -d "3 day ago" +'%Y_%m_%d')"
now="data-$(date -d "1 day ago" +'%Y_%m_%d')*" #1day before current date with wildcard*
echo "startfilename=""$now" #show the output of $now
echo "changing sftp command"
sed -i "1s/.*/mget $now/" sftpcommand.txt #changing sftpcommand.txt at 1st line same value with $now
echo "sftp is running"
sftp -b sftpcommand.txt -v -P 9878 -i cthroot.pem root@sftp.server.com: #sftp bash command of sftpcommand.txt
echo "list"
find /home/aminah/data/ -name "$now" -print #work
echo "send to s3"
find /home/aminah/data/ -name "$now" -exec aws s3 cp '{}' s3://pathbucket/folder/ \; #work #sending the same value to s3..
echo "end"
To check the command run bash #bash -x script.sh ; it will show the output and easy to troubleshoot.
And its working like charm.. horey...
You have to make authentication access using this step http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AccessingInstancesLinux.html